How To Stay Motivated While Learning a Language

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How To Stay Motivated While Learning a Language

Many people struggle with learning a language and being consistent about it. It’s important to stay motivated while learning a language, to think about why you are learning the language in the first place, and to learn how to overcome the learning block that happens to all of us.

So, don’t worry, you are not alone! In this article, we’re going to go through solutions and tactics to help you overcome the block so that you can enjoy the language-learning journey.

Let’s start.

How to stay motivated while learning a language:

  1. Set realistic goals
  2. Find a language partner
  3. Learn the language the fun way
  4. Think about the why
  5. Don’t stick with one method
  6. Take a break


Set Realistic Goals

Setting realistic goals is essential when learning a new language. It's easy to become overwhelmed when you try to learn too much too quickly. However, breaking down your learning into smaller, achievable goals can help you avoid feeling overwhelmed and increase your chances of success.

For instance, you might start by setting a goal to learn ten new words or phrases each day. By doing this, you'll gradually build up your vocabulary over time without feeling like you have too much to learn all at once. Alternatively, you could set a goal to master a specific grammar rule each week. This would allow you to focus your efforts on a specific area of the language and keep you motivated as you see your progress.

Moreover, achieving small goals will help you build momentum and keep you motivated to continue learning. By celebrating your successes along the way, you'll be more likely to stick with your language-learning journey in the long run. So, the next time you feel overwhelmed by the prospect of learning a new language, remember to break down your goals into manageable chunks and celebrate your progress along the way!


Find a Language Partner

One of the most effective ways to stay motivated while learning a new language is to find a language partner. A language partner is someone who is also learning the same language as you and with whom you can practice speaking and listening. This is a great way to improve your language skills while making new friends.

Having a language partner can also help you stay accountable for your learning progress. Since you have someone to report to regularly, you'll be more motivated to keep up with your language learning routine. You can also share your progress with your language partner and get feedback on your strengths and areas for improvement.

If you're wondering how to find a language partner, there are a few options available. One option is to join language exchange groups online. There are many websites and forums dedicated to language exchange where you can find someone who speaks the language you're learning and is interested in practicing with you.

Mango Gate is a language learning community. With us, you can find language partners all the time. Our Telegram groups and the Facebook group are lovely communities where people share their experiences and ask for guidance and support.

Another option is to attend language meetups in your area. These meetups are a great way to meet people who share your interest in language learning and to find a language partner who lives nearby.

Overall, finding a language partner is an excellent way to improve your language skills and stay motivated while learning a new language. By practicing, you'll be able to learn the language more effectively and gain confidence in your ability to communicate with others.


Use Fun and Engaging Learning Materials

Learning a new language can be a challenging but rewarding experience. While it's true that the process can sometimes be tedious or overwhelming, there are many ways to make it more enjoyable and engaging. For instance, you can incorporate the daily practice into your routine by listening to podcasts in the language you're learning or by practicing with a language exchange partner.

Additionally, exploring the cultural context of the language can help you gain a deeper understanding of its nuances and subtleties. For example, you might try cooking a traditional dish from the country where the language is spoken or attending a cultural event. By immersing yourself in the language and culture, you can enhance your learning experience and gain valuable insights into the world around you.

And that's exactly what we do at Mango Gate: we teach you the language using fun and engaging learning materials so that you won't get bored, won't find it difficult, and will enjoy the process! Check out our courses in over 7 languages here.


Think About the Why

Thinking about why you are learning this language is a simple question, yet it can help you a lot in your language-learning journey. Thinking about the reason you started learning a language could help keep you motivated.

You are learning French because you want to study in a French-speaking country? Great! Start exploring universities and see what it takes to start applying. You will feel that French is the key to helping you achieve your dreams, and you will be able to stay motivated.

You are learning Chinese because you’re interested in business, and now that China is one of the top leading countries in business, think about this as much as you can so that you will always have your “why” in mind.

Moreover, always having your reason in front of you will always make you want to reach it, no matter what the circumstances and no matter the challenges. Think about why you started so that you would be able to finish!


Don’t Stick with One Method

People think that learning a language is a one-way road, you have a set of rules and words that you need to understand and memorize and that’s it. But in fact, there are a lot of methods we can use that will help us in our language-learning journey!

Sticking to one method could make us feel demotivated after a while, we start to get bored and we drop the language, then we start to feel like the language is hard and we can’t learn it. We think the problem is in us, while the problem is in the lack of variety.

Learn a few words then learn new verbs, after it tries to watch a Youtube video and then listen to a podcast. We learn a language by focusing on the four necessary skills, reading, writing, speaking, and listening. Each skill needs a different kind of exercise and a different set of practices. By using variable methods, we can practice different skills and reinforce them all.


Take a Break

One of the most important methods to keep in mind when trying to stay motivated while learning a new language is to take frequent breaks. Don’t abandon the language all together, but if you are stressed about work or your studies and you can’t find enough time to study and revise well, switch to a different learning method.

There are two learning patterns, active and passive. Read more about them in one of our articles. As active learning requires more energy and more focus, try passive learning activities. You can just watch videos, watch movies, and learn more about the language and the culture.

This way, you won’t feel as drained as studying the language, but at the same time you won’t be isolated from the language totally and you would still be learning new things and developing your skills.



Language is a beautiful and complex aspect of human life, and there is so much to learn about it. So, why not take the time to learn a new language and explore the world of communication? You never know what you might discover!




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